Welcome to the web site of the Westerly Morris Men!

The Westerly Morris Men is a traditional English men's Morris dancing team based in Westerly, Rhode Island. We were founded in 1974 by Peter Leibert and are one of the oldest continuously active Morris teams in the United States. Please enjoy exploring this web site and learning about us. If you like what you see here, please come out and watch us perform. If you like what you see, you might consider joining us, as a dancer or a musician.

Comments, stories, questions, and suggestions may be sent to the Web Master at westerly-morris-men@cox.net

The Westerly Morris Men launched an occasional email newsletter in 2013 to let you know about upcoming events, report on past events, or provide historical photos and stories. The inaugural issue can be seen HERE. Please subscribe HERE.

Vernal Equinox Dance on Lantern Hill

Vernal Equinox on Lantern Hill, North Stonington, Connecticut

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